What does red on the water filter mean?
The modern digital water filters have colored light indicators to convey their condition. The red light indicates the need for prompt replacement of filter cartridges. Green and yellow color indicates safe and intermediate lifespan, respectively.
How long do water filters usually last?
2-6 months is the average lifespan of most water filters, but it may vary. The lifespan of your water filter will depend on the type of filter, daily water usage, and impurity levels in the water to be filtered. It is essential to buy the right water filter with the capacity that suits your daily needs.
What happens if the water filter is not changed?
It may lead to 2 consequences: the water flow rate will get slower, or the water might be contaminated again. The former happens due to blockage of filter pores, and the latter is due to the wear and tear of filter media creating larger spaces. Either way, you will suffer.
How long should we run water after changing the filter?
After replacing the old filter candle with the new one, flush the system with water for at least 5 minutes. This practice opens the filter pores that might have some dirt and helps them adjust to the water flow rate of the area. We should also change the refrigerator water filters.
Can using an old water filter make us sick?
Yes, impure water resulting from the inefficient old water filter can make you sick. The high salt levels in untreated hard water, harmful microorganisms, and other dissolved impurities can potentially impact your health negatively. We can use water softeners to treat hard water.